We help asset managers restore profitability by streamlining workflows, saving thousands of labor hours across research, trading, portfolio management, and operations, all while driving a secure digital transformation.
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How AI-Driven Improvements in Asset Management Could Unlock Trillions in Economic Efficiency Each Year
Build new portfolios in seconds, automatically create data pipelines, and generate new signals effortlessly with no-code custom AI agents. Monitor all your accounts, portfolios, trades, and orders on a unified, cloud-based platform.
At Main Sequence, we have developed a framework, a set of tools, and a platform that enables asset managers to transform their operations by creating faster and better products. With our AI-powered platform, asset managers can reduce tasks that once took months to just minutes or seconds.
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The fundamental pressures facing asset managers make the point clear: transformation is necessary. According to estimates, the existing pressures and market expectations are such that if asset managers simply stay the course, their annual profit growth will be approximately half the industry average of recent years (5% versus 10%).
A cloud-based, AI-native platform with unparalleled customization and a robust client SDK, seamlessly integrating any data source or service provider. Enhanced with real-time monitoring, it delivers unmatched power and flexibility.
Save thousands of labor hours, focus on generating deeper insights, future-proof your organization, and unlock a new level of profitability.
A cloud-native platform for seamless portfolio management with pre-configured environments, scalable tools, and secure pipelines to optimize workflows from development to execution.
A purpose-built software ecosystem for modern asset management, enabling agent-driven workflows, AI integration, and scalable data management.
The Main Sequence Platform and SDK offer isolated environments, seamless data interaction, and agent-driven development, empowering developers and researchers to innovate and advance investment strategies efficiently.
Our AI-native systems and agent-driven workflows transform asset management, cutting workflows from months to seconds and setting new standards in efficiency, productivity, and impact.
Our open and flexible architecture gives clients the freedom to combine software solutions and vendors, building customized trading and risk management ecosystems with diverse integration options for our platform.
Our technology partners enable seamless operation across clients' preferred cloud or database environments, delivering convenience and control. We also integrate with leading software providers to keep our systems future-proof.
It is open architecture because it is modular, with well-defined interfaces and standards that allow for easy integration, extension, and interoperability with other software or hardware systems.